APASL特邀 | 肝癌微波消融 vs射频消融,何者更优?--访前任主席Diana Payawal教授

2020/3/7 16:17:46 国际肝病网

在肝癌患者对手术切除不耐受的情况下,消融技术可减少患者痛苦、延长患者生命周期、提高患者生活质量,受到广泛应用。常用的消融技术有射频消融和微波消融两种,它们各自有不同的特点,但在治疗时该如何选择呢?来听听亚太肝病学会(APASL)2019主席、菲律宾马尼拉圣桑托斯医疗中心Diana Payawal教授在第29届亚太肝病学会年会(APASL2020)现场接受《国际肝病》记者采访时的讲解。
Diana Payawal教授:二者相似之处在于它们都是利用物理热切除肿瘤。大多数肝癌是软性肿瘤,对极端的温度变化很敏感,包括加热(微波和射频)和冷却(冷冻疗法)。
<Hepatology Digest>: Microwave ablation and radiofrequency ablation have been widely used in the non-surgical treatment of liver cancer. What are the similarities and differences between the two methods?
Dr Payawal: The similarity is that they use heat to ablate the tumor. Most of the liver cancers are soft tumors, so they are sensitive to extremes of temperature, whether that is heating (microwaves and radiofrequency) or cooling (cryotherapy). In our country, we have also used chemical ablation using ethanol. Up until 2000, everyone was doing ethanol injections for liver cancer before practice graduated towards radiofrequency ablation (RFA), which uses thermal therapy and coagulation necrosis to burn the tumor. We find a lot of problems with it because it produces a longitudinal ablation point, has heterogeneous ablation areas so there is viable lesion remaining, and there can be grounding pads which can sometimes cause burns on patients. The ablation time is longer because it is increased gradually. For microwave ablation on the other hand, we can ablate the tumor homogenously in a spherical pattern (and most tumors are spherical in shape). We can ablate faster. We can perform a ten-minute ablation and therapy is done. And there are no grounding pads to potentially cause skin burns. Unlike RFA, there is a wider diameter of ablation with microwave therapy. What are the indications for each technique? For bigger tumors, microwave therapy would actually suffice. If the tumor is next to a blood vessel not involved in the tumor, the heat sink effect does not work, so it can ablate a tumor next to a vessel. Those are the similarities and differences.
Diana Payawal教授:在其他国家,微波消融和射频消融是在医院放射科进行,而我们中心什么都可以做,包括内窥镜检查、肝组织活检、消融治疗等等。但我们也会被安排将这些肝病治疗和管理的专业知识传授给其他非专业科室,这些情况变得越来越好。此外,肝癌的免疫治疗和靶向治疗也越来越引起关注。
<Hepatology Digest>: The management of advanced HCC patients will involve a number of disciplines. Could you introduce your experience in the management of these patients using a multidisciplinary approach?
Dr Payawal: I was trained in a center where we do everything. We do endoscopy. We take care of liver cancer patients. We do our own liver biopsies. We do our own ablation therapy. In other countries, they do not have this expertise, so radiology teams actually come in for RFA and microwave procedures, and oncologists come in for oral chemotherapy. This is becoming less of a concern as we are being trained to tackle all aspects of liver disease and management. The emergence of immunotherapies and targeted therapy for liver cancer is of course now drawing a lot of attention as well.
Diana Payawal教授:中国是一个肝病大国,我们一直在相互学习,很遗憾这次中国专家学者不能来参会,期待与他们一起讨论学术进展和挑战。我相信新型冠状病毒肺炎病例会越来越少,事实上它已经在中国发生了。虽然全球其他地方也出现了新病例,但中国似乎控制住了疫情,这一点非常值得赞扬。此外,我很惊讶地看到他们在几周内就建成了一座医院,这只可能发生在中国。所以,向中国参与控制疫情的战士们致敬。
<Hepatology Digest>: The Hepatology Digest audience is Chinese hepatologists, and they cannot be here at the meeting. If you could address them, what words of encouragement would you share with them?
Dr Payawal: China has a lot of liver cancer patients. It is a two-way street, whereby we learn from them and they learn from us. We really miss them at APASL, and if they were here, we would be exchanging ideas on what is new and what they are doing in China, and what is new in other South-East Asian countries. We know that the coronavirus will start to decline, and indeed it already is in China. Although there are new cases elsewhere, China appears to have control of its epidemic, and kudos to the Chinese doctors for that. I was so surprised to see that they had constructed a hospital in a couple of weeks. That could only happen in China. So, hats off to the Chinese strategy for controlling the virus. I look forward to seeing our Chinese colleagues active at APASL again joining forces against liver disease. Infection is a big issue. We have just had the Presidential Lecture on bacterial infections, which is a growing concern in clinical practice. We have COVID, hepatitis B and C, and liver cancer as a progression of hepatitis. So this is something we can all work together on.